Automatic messaging and notifications via WhatsApp, SMS, and Email.

Integration with CRM systems for efficient customer and communication management.

Marketing process automation to improve engagement and sales.

Real-time support and tracking service for a better user experience.

Detailed data analysis to optimize communication and marketing strategies.

Our clients:



  • CRM’s and ERP’s

    Possible adaptations to CRM’s and ERP’s that have ways to link us and extract data.

  • Connections

    The application is capable of interconnecting with SAGE, KAIS, among others, also has the ability to connect to databases.

  • Scheduled Tasks

    Possible configuration of scheduled tasks for the automatic execution of these tasks when desired.

  • Reports

    Listings and reports with details of the actions taken at all times as well as alerts if undesired events occur.

Simplifying Connections,
Enhancing Communications

API solution for connection with multiple information management systems for automated sending of emails and SMS.


Estratègies de comunicació efectives

Communication Optimization

We develop innovative communication strategies to connect with your audience, improving interaction and loyalty.

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Captura eficient de dades

Intelligent Data Capture

We use advanced tools for data capture, ensuring precise analysis for strategic decision making.

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Campanyes de màrqueting digital

Digital Marketing Campaigns

We create and execute effective digital marketing campaigns, focused on increasing visibility and return on investment.

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Desenvolupament personal i professional

Empowerment and Growth

We promote personal and professional development through training and tools that enhance skills and productivity.

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